A motor vehicle collision in Virginia has sadly claimed two individuals’ lives in Virginia. The pedestrian accident took place on a recent Saturday night. Sometimes, these types of car accidents are the result of driver negligence, which is grounds for a lawsuit.
The car accident occurred at about 10 p.m. Police said they received a report that an automobile had left the roadway and struck a tree. Two people ended up being pronounced deceased at the car collision scene.
Initially, authorities reported that two people had been riding in the car. However, police later said that one of the parties was, in fact, a pedestrian whom the car had hit. Authorities continued to investigate the crash.
If the police investigation reveals that the car driver caused accident due to negligent behavior, the surviving loved ones of the pedestrian may choose to file a wrongful death claim, seeking the reimbursement of monetary damages. Even though the driver passed away in the crash, his or her estate may still be named in the collision. Likewise, anybody else with an ownership interest in the motor vehicle involved in the accident may be sued.
Liability must be established before the Virginia civil court hearing the case before claims for monetary damages will be determined. A financial award in a successfully litigated case may help to cover burial costs, the loss of income for surviving dependents, and other losses associated with these types of car accidents. The monetary award cannot undo the events leading to the fatal accident, but it may help the grieving loved ones of the deceased pedestrian to more easily move on from the ordeal.
Source: wtkr.com, “Driver, pedestrian killed in Chesapeake crash“, Andrea Hardison, March 11, 2018