Car accidents usually happen because someone didn’t follow a safety rule. In Virginia, our civil justice system allows you to hold unsafe drivers accountable for the damage they cause.
At Patel & Dalrymple, our lawyers are here to protect your rights under the law and obtain the compensation you deserve. Call for a free initial consultation. Our law office is in Lynchburg and we represent car accident victims and their families throughout central Virginia.
Here are just a few examples of the types of auto accidents we handle:
Drunk driver accidents
Accidents caused by users who are distracted by cellphones or their car’s infotainment system
Rear-end collisions
Accidents caused by speeding or unsafe lane changes
Intersection accidents caused by a driver’s failure to yield the right of way
Trucking accidents caused by drowsy drivers
Protect Your Rights After an Accident
It’s important to contact an attorney as soon as possible after an accident to collect and preserve evidence of liability. Even if the other driver admits that he or she was at fault, they may change their story later — and their insurance company could refuse to pay.
To protect your rights after an accident:
Report the accident to the police.
Obtain medical attention to make sure you are all right.
Follow your doctor’s treatment plan until you get better.
Do not provide a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company, as they will try to get you to say things that will damage your claim.
Don’t accept a settlement without legal advice.
Free Car Accident Consultation
We offer a free initial consultation to explain your rights and answer your questions. To talk to a lawyer, call or send us an email.