A man recently lost his life in an unfortunate motor vehicle collision in Virginia. In addition, eight other individuals ended up suffering injuries. These types of car accidents can easily happen due to the negligence of a driver, which is grounds for litigation.
The recent head-on crash occurred at a little past 10:30 a.m. According to authorities, a man, 56, was driving south along Route 301 and suddenly breached the road’s center line. At that time, he struck a compact sport utility vehicle carrying seven people.
The man who reportedly caused the accident ended up dying in the collision. Meanwhile, the individuals riding in the sport utility vehicle were all taken to a local hospital for the treatment of their injuries. An infant who was riding with the man who passed away in the crash was also taken to the medical center for observation.
The injured parties have the right to file personal injury claims given the injuries they suffered in the motor vehicle accident. Although the man who allegedly caused the crashed passed away in the collision, his estate can still be sued. Likewise, anybody else who had an ownership in the car he was driving at the time of crash may be named in a lawsuit.
Liability must be established based upon a showing of negligence — for example, speeding or driving while distracted — before claims for damages will be adjudicated. In a case that is fought successfully, a monetary damage award may help with addressing hospital bills and other accident-related financial losses. It can also help with addressing emotional distress resulting from these types of car accidents in Virginia.