A challenging aspect of putting a home on the market in Virginia is dealing with all of the unknowns. For instance, how much can the home be sold for, and who will end up buying it? Home sellers’ co-workers, friends and family may be quick to offer advice based on their own opinions, but unfortunately, not all advice regarding residential real estate transactions is good advice. Here are a couple common pieces of advice given to homeowners that are better to avoid.
First, many homeowners have heard that they should list their homes only during the spring. The reality is that each real estate market in the United States is different, so what may be an excellent selling time in one part of the country may not necessarily be good in another area. Also, if everyone decides to sell in the spring, that means more competition with other sellers. Thus, selling a home during the less busy months may be a wiser move in some cases.
Another common idea is that home sellers will find their buyers at their open houses. The truth is that people who visit open houses are oftentimes those who are not quite ready to buy but still want to check out the homes that are for sale. On the contrary, serious buyers usually request private showings instead.
Selling a home can certainly be exciting, but it can also be stressful. A particular aspect of residential real estate transactions that can be overwhelming is dealing with the legal contracts. Fortunately, an attorney in Virginia can provide the guidance needed to effectively review and negotiate contracts during the home-selling process.
Source: realtor.com, “5 Home-Selling Tips Everyone Hears — and Should Ignore“, Audrey Ference, May 2, 2018